March 2005 Archives

March 08, 2005

The King v. The King of Pop?

(Via Kings & Things)  Elvis tribute artist Matthew Tuttle last week won a seat in the public lottery to watch a day of Michael Jackson’s child molestation trial. The Sonora (Cal.) Union Democrat reports that Tuttle was a criminal defense lawyer before giving up the law to live life as Elvis.

March 02, 2005

MGM v. Grokster

Oral arguments in MGM v. Grokster are scheduled for March 29. The briefs of the parties along with numerous amicus briefs are available from EFF. (I signed onto the brief submitted by 60 Technology Law Professors and USACM.)

April 2005 Archives

April 12, 2005

Watch what you blog

If you’re planning to commit a crime, don’t brag about it in your blog. (State v. Velardi (N.C. App. Apr. 5, 2005), via

April 11, 2005

ICANN do whatever I want

The Ninth Circuit held last week (in McNeil v. Verisign, Inc.) that ICANN isn’t a state actor and therefore isn’t required to respect free speech or due process rights under the U.S. Constitution. (For general background, see these law review symposium issues: 6 J. Small & Emerging Bus. L. no. 1 (Spring 2002) and
15 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. no. 3 (Spring 1997).)

UPDATE: Eric Goldman lists previous decisions declining to find state action by private Internet entities here.